Orders & Returns
Returns & Replacements
We will accept returns, however, you have to first clear the return with us, drop us an e-mail, and more often than not we will be able to come to a satisfactory solution for all parties. As a norm customer pays return shipping if purchased by mistake or change mind, if it was an error in our part we'll arrange to e-mail a return label. Note that any return request must be filed within 30 days of purchase. If it has been over 30 days please contact us for further arrangements.
Also note that before you return a resin product due to faulty casting or broken parts, you should attempt to contact us for replacements (ie: if the control stick is broken in your resin cockpit set we can often get the manufacturer to send a replacement directly to you.) Simply let us know your issue and we will pass it along to our supplier and begin to work on getting the replacements you need.
All orders are shipped next business day (unless noted on the homepage if we are away at a show, etc.) The only time this doesn't hold true is if something is ordered that is out of stock. As we use a real time inventory management system this is very infrequent, however, it can happen and mistakes can be made when you have thousands of items available. (This only seems to happen after we attend a show and a product is marked down incorrectly) However, if you're concerned about the delinquency of your order, please don't hesitate to contact us, that's what we're here for. Besides, inquiring about the shipment of your order is the surest way for it to arrive the next day!
The site works just as any other internet shopping website. You add items to your cart, and then when ready you proceed to checkout where you will be asked for shipping and payment information. When completed your order will be processed and we will be notified to pull and ship the order. You can find items using several options. First, we have the drop down menus at the top based on category (ie: Aircraft) and then further refinements that allow you to drill down and find what you're looking for. You may also search via the Manufacturer drop down at the top of the homepage. If you're looking for New Ware kits, simply go to Manufacturers and then select the New Ware page and once you are there you can even narrow it down by "tags" or categories. We've also included a powerful search engine to make more refined searches. It's conveniently located right next to your shopping cart button! Just type in a query and have a go!
Note! Many items that are out of stock will not be visible. This is to minimize the amount of scrolls through "out of stock" notifications. You can search the item by stock# or manufacturer's part# and sign up for an in stock notification.