Eagle Cals 1/32 EC#51 Decal Major Hans Special Airbrushed ed.part.2 - OOP
This is the second new 1/32nd scale decal sheet from EagleCals based on Jerry Crandall's Major Hans Assis Hahn. Four new Bf 109F-2s and F-4s are showcased. Three aircraft are depicted from Hahn's wartime flying career. One of the available schemes, a Bf 109F-4, was flown by Oblt. Otto Puchinger of Stab III./JG 2.
The instruction sheet doesn't include b&w photos that we have seen in earlier efforts. I recommend that modelers wishing to make their own interpretations from photographs purchase Jerry's new book, mentioned earlier. However, the instructions include plenty of very specific information for each Bf 109. A very accurate representation can still be duplicated without the book. EagleCals also supply dates, locations and W. Nr. (where known) for each aircraft. In my opinion, this makes for in invaluable mini-history of each aircraft. Complete painting and decal placement instructions are given for each aircraft.