Eduard Limited Edition Kit 1/48 VERY LONG RANGE: Tales of Iwojima - 11142
Eduard 1/48 scale P-51D Mustang profipack - 82102
Eduard 1/48 scale MiG-21MT/SMT - kit 8233 - Re-edition
HGW 1/48 decals B-17 Wooden Floors & Ammo Boxes in Pine - 548031 for HK Models
Airscale 1/48 photo etch cockpit details PE48DET
Bullseye Model Aviation 1/48 Decals F-4B Phantom II Fleet Phantoms V - 48021
Speed Hunter Graphics 48024 1/48 Decal for F-15 Heritage Eagles
Furball 1/48 decals Colors & Markings of US Navy Wildcats - FDS4822 for Hobby Boss
ThunderCals 1/48 Thunderbolt Type 4 Insignia + Data 2 decal set 48-005
ThunderCals 1/48 P47-D Bubbletop & Razorback T-bolts ETO Pt1 48-006 for Tamiya
Furball 1/48 decals F-15 C/E Heritage Eagles for Great Wall Hobby FUR48071
Fundekals 1/48 decals Grumman F6F Hellcats for Eduard model kit - 48025
Caracal 1/48 decals CD48137 for the EKA-3B Skywarrior by Trumpeter
Fundekals 1/48 decals Hawker Sea Fury Royal Australian Navy markings 48017
HGW 1/48 scale wet transfers camouflage for the Bf109G-2 kit by Eduard - 248053
Furball 1/48 decals Colors & Markings of US Navy Tomcats part V - FDS-4813
Furball Aero-Design 1/48 Lo-Viz US Navy Rhinos - 48064
Caracal Decals 1/48 CD48126 markings for the U-2R/S & ER-2 by Testors/Italeri
HGW 1/48 stencils and RBFs for Grumman F-14 Tomcat kits - 248031 wet transfer
HGW 1/48 scale Stencils wet transfer crosses & stencils for Messerschmitt Bf109