Montex 1/48 canopy masks for the AZUR Potez 63-11 - SM48285
Montex 1/48 canopy masks for Hobby Boss EMB-314 Tucano kit - SM48415
Montex 1/24 masks & markings Bf 109G-6 Trumpeter K24066
Montex 1/72 canopy masks for the Fw 190A by Zvezda - SM72210
Montex 1/72 canopy masks for the Ki-27b by RS Models - SM72206
Montex 1/72 canopy masks for Tamiya Jaguar GR 1 - SM72059
Montex 1/72 canopy masks for Revell Me 262A - SM72028
Montex 1/32 Masks, markings & barrels for Hasegawa Bf 109G-10 - KAM32044
Montex 1/32 masks, decals & markings for Bf110C for Dragon k32240
HGW 1/48 scale wet transfer Spitfire HF Mk. VIII - Markings for Eduard - 248046
HGW 1/72 Scale Wet Transfer Liberator GR Mk. III/Mk. V Stencils/Markings 272016
HGW 1/32 Scale Double-Sided Seatbelts - 1914 Jeannin Stahltaube - 132301
HGW 1/48 scale wet transfer (decals) L-29 Delfín - 248039 for Eduard or AMK kits
HGW 1/32 Albatros B.II - Seatbelts 1/32 - 132577 for Wingnut Wings
HGW 1/32 Photoetch DFW C.V - Armament for Wingnut Wings kit -132132
HGW 1/32 Felixstowe F2a & Hansa-B W29 Seatbelts Wingnut Wings 132566
HGW 1/32 Fabric simulation Transparent decal for Wingnut Wings 532045
HGW 1/32 Fabric simulation Base White decal for Wingnut Wings 532050
HGW 1/32 5 Colour Lozenge Very Faded Base White Fabric texture - 532048
HGW 1/32 5 Colour Lozenge Aircraft Rib Tapes for Wingnut Wings - 532036