HGW 1/32 scale Super detail W.29 for Wingnut Wings kit - 132063
HGW132063 - HGW 1/32 Super detail set for W.29 for Wingnut Wings with wood decals
* Super Detail Set is consisted of other HGW smaller sets:
** 132038 W.29 Surface Details
** 132039 W.29 Seatbelts
** 132069 W.29 Cockpit + Decal
** 132072 BENZ Bz.III 150Hp
** 632004 W.29 Mask
** DECAL (light wood) - TESTER
* photoetched set contains high-detailed parts are designed for WNW kits
* set also contains wood decals testers
* photo-etched parts were developed in cooperation with Eduard company