Montex 1/48 canopy masks for the SPITFIRE MkXII by Airfix - SM48338
Montex 1/48 canopy masks for the Spitfire MkXV by Special Hobby - SM48362
Montex 1/48 canopy masks for the TORNADO IDS by HobbyBoss - SM48317
Montex 1/48 canopy masks for the Trumpeter Attacker FB.2 kit - SM48396
Montex 1/48 canopy masks for the Trumpeter DH Hornet kit - SM48418
Montex 1/48 canopy masks for the Trumpeter Su-15 - SM48095
Montex 1/48 canopy masks for Trumpeter Vampire FB.Mk.9 - SM48377
Montex 1/48 canopy paint masks for CURTISS HAWK III kit by FREEDOM - SM48489
Montex 1/48 canopy paint masks for HUNTER F.6 kit by AIRFIX - SM48490
Montex 1/48 canopy paint masks for L-39/L-59 ALBATROS kit by TRUMPETER - SM48492
Montex 1/48 canopy paint masks for YAK-23DC kit by A & A MODELS - SM48494
Montex 1/48 mask for C-714 by RS MODEL - SM48443
Montex 1/48 mask for GLOSTER GLADIATOR by MERIT - SM48446
Montex 1/48 mask for Gloster Gladiator Mk I by MERIT - MM48446
Montex 1/48 masks & markings for Special Hobby kit#48045 Albacore Mk I - MM48259
Montex 1/48 masks & markings Henschel Hs 129B-2 for Hasegawa - MM48003
Montex 1/48 masks & markings Polikarpov I-153 for ICM kits - K48347
Montex 1/48 masks & markings Trumpeter kit#02893 DH Hornet - MM48418
Montex 1/48 masks, decals & markings Bf 109G-2/G-2/R6 by Hasegawa k48246
Montex 1/48 masks, decals & markings Zvezda La-5F - K48214